Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lauren Randolph

Holy cow, where do I begin! Just like the following post about Mike Hedge, I wanted to post some jump pictures from Lauren Randolph aka Lauren Lemon, and I said I was going to get permission so as not to violate her copyright. I've always had the impression she is a very nice person and I figured it wouldn't be a problem if I asked nicely. What I didn't expect was to be asking her in person, in Park City. What a way to rock my week!! She and Mike Hedge contacted me back after I sent them an email and said "come on up and shoot some pictures". The Commandant of the Marine Corps couldn't have stopped me from running up there today. I haven't had a chance to process the photos I took today so this is one of Lauren's from her photostream on Flickr and you can link to it by cutting and pasting this address into your browser http://www.flickr.com/photos/renolauren/2849521762/sizes/l/in/set-72157605153925743/. Lauren is the queen of jumping pictures and she is the first photographer that really got me hooked on jump pictures. She is a professional in every stretch of the imagination for all things photographic and a wonderfully nice and accommodating young woman to boot. In this picture she is jumping with her sister (on the right) Caitlin Randolph and shot with a self-timer, something I haven't dared try for fear of killing myself. I think I might have to get brave. I can't wait to process the jumping pictures we all took today and get them posted here and on my Flickr page. I think I can rest in peace now after shooting pictures with a real life celebrity!!!

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